Monday, January 12, 2009

Board Discussion Meeting Tonight

Tonight we have a regular discussion meeting of the Board. You can see the agenda here.

The items for discussion are as follows:

III. Discussion
A. Adoption of Policy KBF, Classroom Visitation - Enclosed is a copy of Policy KBF,
Classroom Visitation. The Policy Committee recommends adoption of this policy at the
January 19 regular meeting.

B. High School Renovation Project – James Fraasch

C. 2009-10 Capital Projects Budget – The Capital Budget is scheduled for approval in February.
The preliminary list of projects will be presented to the Board for review prior to discussion
and approval in February.
Tonight I get the chance to present that proposal I put out there in October. Based on feedback received, tonight's presentation will be very similar in scope to the original proposal but will most definitely have a few changes. I will make the full presentation available for download here after the meeting tonight.

If you haven't seen it, check it out. If you have seen it and have questions, please watch the Board meeting tonight or send me an email.

I expect tough questions from the rest of the Board and from members of the community.

Thanks for reading.
